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Wwe Val Venis Social Media

Social media has proven to be something of a double edged sword for society in general, and Pro Wrestlers are certainly not insusceptible to that idea. In some cases, wrestlers like Becky Lynch take ingeniously utilized Social Media to their advantage, elevating their star in the process.

Nonetheless, former WCW wrestlers such as Disco Inferno, take proven to exist rather incendiary and provocative in their views and opinions on Social Media. In a world that is becoming increasingly more enmeshed in its own moral conundrum, certain wrestlers outright pass up to filter or censor themselves. In addition to Disco Inferno, here are 9 other wrestlers who are a constant source of controversy online.

ten Val Venis

Val Venis

Val Venis would seem like a natural fit for this list, if for no other reason than the highly suggestive graphic symbol he once portrayed in WWE. Interestingly, its Val's seemingly discriminatory views that have landed him, hither. It's been well documented that Val has long advocated for legalization of marijuana, and the benefits of cannabis. It's actually been Val'due south views on transgender athletes in sports that have gotten him in some hot water. In reference to AEW Star, Nyla Rose, winning the AEW Women's Championship, Venis went on a rampage, stating, amongst other things, that "gender is assigned past God." Val hasn't exactly scaled back, either, doubling down on his controversial views. Cody Rhodes has made it clear, that equally a effect of his outbursts, Val Venis volition never be welcome in AEW.

9 Virgil


Depending on how you look at it, Virgil is either 1 of the most unintentional, or intentionally hilarious wrestlers of all time. The Former WWE and WCW talent has reportedly gone to great lengths to keep himself relevant. Simply recently, Virgil made claims that he was involved in neutralizing the confrontation between Arn Anderson and Sid in Federal republic of germany, during a WCW Bout in 1993 The trouble, is that Virgil didn't fifty-fifty work for the company at the time. He then went on to claim that he gifted Brutus Beefcake the scissors from the incident, which would lead to "The Barber" gimmick, Beefcake portrayed. Once over again, Virgil had his timeline severely out of sync, as Beefcake had been using the gimmick of being a barber, since 1987.

8 Seth Rollins

Seth Rollins WWE

In some ways, Seth Rollins is the Fred Durst of Professional Wrestling. Like the Limp Bizkit frontman, Seth is extremely effective when he is in his own lane, so to speak. Withal, like Durst, Seth just can't go on his thoughts to himself. On endless occasions, Rollins has put his foot in his mouth, and provoked other wrestlers in the process. He one time targeted NJPW star, Will Ospreay, for no apparent reason, implying that Ospreay was 2d rate, compared to Ricochet. While, Seth Rollins tin be a cracking antagonist, it might be best for him to give social media, a break from time to fourth dimension.

7 Iron Sheik

The Iron Sheik at a fan convention

Like, Virgil, The Atomic number 26 Sheik tin can be zip brusk of outrageous online. In fact, Sheik is one of the more than unhinged entries on this list. The Iron Sheik has never been shy in sharing his opinions on some of the wrestlers he has faced, over the years.

Hulk Hogan has been someone whom Sheik has directed a great deal of his vitriol at, over the years. He's accused Hogan of being everything from a coward to a liar. It'due south difficult to tell if The Fe Sheik is working whatsoever sort of angle or non, just what's certain is that he is one of the most outspoken and controversial wrestlers on the net.

six Sunny

WWE Sunny

Sunny's unabridged gimmick was partially based around her tendency to be highly outspoken. Mayhap, the reason that Sunny was and then effective in her part, is because it's not far from her real-life personality. Sunny has proven to be somewhat tone-deaf on social media, once making a comment that was highly questionable and discriminatory toward African Americans. On other occasions, Sunny has said things that could be considered oversharing, especially as it relates to male person wrestlers that she has been involved with. Without question, Sunny is one of the most controversial wrestling personalities, online.

5 Austin Aries

Austin Aries

Within the ring, Austin Aries is equally talented equally they come. Outside of the ring, Aries has proven to be somewhat problematic, according to some of his swain wrestlers. Online, Austin has taken a staunch anti-mask and anti-vaccine outlook. In fact, he has actually encouraged fans to remove their masks when meeting him for shorthand signings. While, Austin is not alone in some of his views, he has also alienated a substantial segment of social club, due to them.

4 Marty Jannetty

Marty Jannetty Cropped

Due to substance corruption and reckless beliefs, Marty Jannetty has had a life filled with ups and downs. It's unfortunate, as Marty is a talented worker, who could have likely gone on to be more successful than he already was. Jannetty hasn't done himself any favors, online, at one point confessing to a murder, he later claimed to be office of a storyline. On some other occasion, Marty really asked his followers if he should have relations with a immature lady who had falsely claimed to be his daughter. Almost recently, Jannetty would recount an alleged meeting with Mariah Carey that has still to be substantiated.

3 Reby Sky

Matt Hardy and Reby Sky together Cropped

The real-life Mrs. Matt Hardy, was one time a wrestler, herself, well-nigh notably in TNA. Information technology's actually been Reby'southward antics, online, that have garnered her the nigh notoriety. From going afterward one of her husband's ex flames, the late Ashley Massaro, to making accusatory statements directed at AEW, Reby never holds back when it comes to her opinion. It'due south clear that her online persona is not far from her real one, as she one time had a well-publicized run in with Awesome Kong, during their time in TNA. Let's hope that Reby chooses to practise some restraint in the future, peculiarly every bit it relates to issues involving her family.

2 Jim Cornette

When it comes to controversial figures in wrestling, Jim Cornette is oft 1 of the first names that come to mind. From making disparaging remarks about the likes of Kenny Omega, The Young Bucks, and Marko Stunt, to name a few, Cornette has never been agape to limited his thoughts on whatever given subject.

Most recently, Cornette was vocal in his disproval of AEW's handling of a fan who brought a derogatory sign directed towards Nyla Rose. Cornette is defiantly uncompromising when it comes to his many views on Pro Wrestling. Though, not technically a wrestler, Cornette is one of the most controversial personalities in the entire genre.

1 Disco Inferno


There can merely exist ane person to come in at the coveted number one spot, here, as this is the "Disco List", after all. If you listen to Disco'due south podcast, alongside former WCW accomplice, Konnan, you volition know that he has admitted to being deliberately contrarian. Disco has been song on his views on everything from Women's Wrestling to AEW. His most controversial moment, however, was when he suggested that AEW was being less than forthcoming, with the details regarding the passing of the late, Brodie Lee. Disco drew the ire of the entire wrestling community with his speculation and has been a symbol of controversy, e'er since.

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